It is nice weather and the scam still works, so off in car and fast over the border to Prague. Because it was successful there always for your German Scout and now I wanted to provide my luck again. So right on the road after I checked in and directly the camera and 500 ¬ taken in the hand. I wanted to spend myself again as a model agent to the girl then make an immoral offer once I have them in my apartment. The first ladies were not open to casting, but then I met this 20-year-old student Amanda, who was a bit shy at first. But at least she gave me the opportunity to tell her about a great model job she could fit perfectly with. She gave me her attention and German Scout Amanda could begin.
I gave myself a little money as allowance and made the first pictures directly on the street. She was relatively relaxed and super natural. Hardly any make-up and no snooping around anywhere, as it is now almost every day. Now you offered her that she comes along quickly, because I still need pictures in underwear where you can see her figure, because that is important for the job and the German Scout can trust them. At first she was skeptical, but after another 200 € it was ok for her.
Arrived in my apartment for the weekend, I also made pictures and small hints to see if she is willing for German Scout Amanda and I realized what could happen. So again a few bills brought out for a little fun in front of the camera and she agreed! Not only was it the first time in front of the camera for Amanda, but we did a practice that she has never done before and will never forget that day. But it will not betray too much, I can only recommend you to watch the video!
Video from 31.08.2019
Length: 73:20